21 Day Summer Get it Done Challenge!
I’m currently looking over at the furniture we just painted for my master bedroom makeover. I am currently 11 days into the 21 Day “Summer Get it Done Challenge”! Selfishly/intuitively I started this challenge with the mindset to complete various tasks, goals, and create habits before the girls came back from their time with my parents.
*Sidentoe: Yes, the girls spend half the summer with my parents! Yes, I know I’m very blessed 😆
So I wanted to make this blog as simple and to the point as it gets… I went ahead and answered the who, what, when, where why of the challenge so you can decide if you want to hop on now or start fresh another time that works for you ❤️
Why am I doing a challenge
I feel in my personal life that I need a shift, a boost, a kick in the butt to just GET IT DONE! Hence, the name 😩
We all experience those times in our lives when our level of productivity just isn’t as high as it can be, or commitment to almost anything outside of the bare minimum is waning or shoot, just completely GONE! Yea, I wallowed in that for a week and realized incremental changes are still changes nonetheless. I used to have a fairly toxic way of looking at completing things, starting challenges, or developing a habit. I used to think if I couldn’t get it all done in one sitting, one day, or just at one time, there was something wrong with me.
Yea- sounds bananas, right? Well that’s what introspective actions, meditation, and therapy does for ya!
So through all that my why is the act of completing. I want to see this completely through.
What will this challenge consist of… So I have been going live on my personal page (KinahGlory) every single day! Yup EVERY DAY! The challenge is split into parts where we do something called reverse planning. Reverse planning, also considered backward goal setting is starting with your end goal and working backward to develop a plan. In the first couple sheets of 21 Day Summer Challenge Guide there are blank sheets to isolate what exactly you want completed in the next 21 days. For me I included no more than 4 things so I wouldn't get overwhelmed.
Creating a habit to wake up at 5 am each day
Master Bedroom Makeover
Decluttering the home office and girls bedroom
Pre-plan my content for 3 months
From there I took each topic, goal, or habit and broke down the steps it would take to complete. In the guide and my instagram video, I used the example of decluttering a closet. The steps would be 1. Taking everything out 2. Separating between giveaway or keep 3. Organizing the items back into the closet.
Every step takes a certain amount of time. I assign how long the steps in each task takes and fill in the calendar (monthly or weekly) to the times I am available the next 21 days.
Who should do this challenge - ANYONE! There is not specific type of person that wants to challenge themselves and complete tasks.
Where - YOUR HOUSE! My house is full so don’t come over here! You can download the guide from the website - sisterleelove.com Take your time filling out the sheets of paper. This is all to help you Get it Done!
Although we’ve already started, don't feel like you can’t hop on. This challenge started off extremely specific and personal, but I realized formulating the guide, you all may benefit from structure and some check-ins.
I’m so excited to keep the productivity while the girls are gone, alive. I definitely plan on challenging myself while they are here so I can see the difference! See you next time! Don’t forget to hop on my live. I usually go live around lunch time 😉